The following collection of communication materials for the 24/7 Crisis Diversion Program. Please use these materials to spread awareness of the program. If you want more information about the program please contact Claire MacDonald at [email protected].

24/7 Crisis Diversion fact sheet
Download our fact sheet to get an overview of how the program works and impacts teams have had in supporting Edmontonians in need.

24/7 Crisis Diversion poster
Download our posters to share throughout your community, businesses and workplaces.

Postcards for community members
Download our postcards for a quick reference guide for the 24/7 Crisis Diversion program.

Postcards for social agencies
Download our postcards for a quick reference guide for the 24/7 Crisis Diversion program.

Postcards for businesses
Download our postcards for a quick reference guide for the 24/7 Crisis Diversion program.