The following collection of additional crisis response resources are available for the community. If you have any questions about any of these resources or if you have resources you would like us to share please contact Claire MacDonald at [email protected]

Homeward Trust - 2020 Winter Emergency Response Document
This resource guide was prepared in partnership with Alberta 211 – Edmonton and Area and Homeward Trust. Homeward Trust coordinates the Winter Emergency Response (WER) Strategic Planning Committee and communications activities for WER. The guide contains basic information about agencies, drop-ins, shelters and transportation services operating during the 2019-2020 winter season. The provided information includes regular hours of operation, extended hours if available for the winter season, and general information about services and resources.
211 Alberta
211 is an essential service that helps Albertans find the right resource or service for whatever issue they need help with, at the right time. 211 is available 24/7 by phone, text and chat. The service is free, confidential and available in over 170 languages over the phone.
211 Resource Lists
211's resource list provides contact information for various agencies and programs that assist with particular issues, or offer support for particular demographics. They are updated twice yearly, in May and November, and may be printed for personal or agency use.
Neighbourhood Empowerment - Safer Business Spaces
Reducing opportunity reduces crime. This quick reference offers practical tips that can be incorporated into how businesses organize and manage their space to help reduce the opportunity for criminal activity and create safer spaces.
Neighbourhood Empowerment Team - Encouraging Positive Interactions
This guide can open the door to more positive interactions with people we may feel apprehensive around or are unfamiliar with. When we begin to understand some of the reasons behind people's behaviours, catching problematic behaviours early and knowing how to de-escalate heightened situations can help us feel more comfortable in all of our interactions.
Neigbourhood Response Team - Neighbourhood Response Tool
This guide helps you make the right call at the right time. It informs you on what to do and who to call in case you witness a range of situations from vandalism, intoxication and substance abuse to property and business concerns. It also provides tangible steps to increase safety and minimize risk.
Neighbourhood Empowerment Team - Business Safety Matters
This resource provides a series of tips to help property owners, business owners, and employees reduce crime and disorder at their place of work.